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Wrong Imports in Generated `.d.ts` on Windows-CSDN问答
来自 : CSDN技术社区 发布时间:2021-03-25

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\"weixin_39937635\" weixin_39937635 2020-12-02 04:01 首页 开源项目 Wrong Imports in Generated `.d.ts` on Windows

As the picture shown, the generated file index.esm.d.ts contains OS-specific path imports:


More importantly, Suggestion interface is redefined...

该提问来源于开源项目 wessberg/rollup-plugin-ts

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\"weixin_39616379\" weixin_39616379 3月前

The issue has been fixed and released in v1.1.55. Thanks for reporting it!

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\"weixin_39616379\" weixin_39616379 3月前

I m investigating the issue, and the issue is related to a couple of things:

When comparing two paths or filenames, rollup-plugin-ts always assume that they follow POSIX. For example, there are strict equality checks between generated filenames for Rollup chunks, which use the path convention of the OS, and Typescript sourcefile filenames, which are normalized to POSIX by Typescript itself. This means that some comparisons fail that wouldn t on MacOS where everything is POSIX.

The path module is used heavily to normalize file paths. However, they aren t normalized to POSIX when generating new ImportDeclarations and ExportDeclarations which means that stuff like import {foo} from \\\\a\\\\b\\\\c can happen where you would expect import {foo} from ./a/b/c instead.

I m working on fixing these things and I m testing both on MacOS and Windows. I ll keep you posted.

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\"weixin_39752434\" weixin_39752434 3月前

I m on a Windows 10 box and I d like to offer my help, too, should you need some.

I just switched to rollup-plugin-ts to build my own plugin. For now, I m using a separate build step to generate the declaration file and I d rather have your plugin do all the dirty job in one step.

I ve tried taking a look at your source code but it s dense and hard to follow when not used to. Just give some directions as to where to look in first.

edit: FWIW, using a bunch of console.log()s showed that when entering the deconflict() function in src\\service\\transformer\\declaration-bundler\\deconflict\\deconflict.ts, sourceFile.fileName is normalized while options.localModuleNames is not. Hope this helps.


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\"weixin_39937635\" weixin_39937635 3月前

Any help I can try? Not familiar with code but the plugin is awesome. It s better than the official one.

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\"weixin_39616379\" weixin_39616379 3月前

Yes there is, but grouped by emitted chunk, and since the import paths are broken, the logic for determining whether or not symbols are defined is broken on Windows

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\"weixin_39937635\" weixin_39937635 3月前

Is there any code determining whether a symbol is bundled or imported? As the picture shows, the Suggestion interface is declared twice.

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\"weixin_39616379\" weixin_39616379 3月前

Hi there, thanks for reporting this issue.I think this issue and https://github.com/wessberg/rollup-plugin-ts/issues/19 are related.

Looking at the image, the import paths look wrong, so I m certain that the issue is related to how relative paths are computed by the plugin.

I ll try to spin up a Windows VM and test it

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\"weixin_39937635\" weixin_39937635 3月前

It works fine under OS X (without the duplicated imports). Seems like a problem related to path.

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本文链接: http://bergimports.immuno-online.com/view-774236.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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